SAFE is an independent not-for-profit Foundation, founded at the beginning of 2018 in Italy. Thanks to its own funds and by participating to projects funded by the European Union and other international actors, SAFE promotes high-impact research, training and development activities in the security, defence, peace, freedom and fundamental rights sectors.

Transcrime is the Joint research centre on innovation and crime of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, the Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna and the Università degli Studi di Perugia. The Centre, directed by Ernesto U. Savona, has offices in Milan and has a staff of more than 25 people, made up of academic researchers, contract researchers, Ph.D. candidates, interns and administrative personnel. Transcrime is exclusively funded by contracts and funding from private corporations and local, national and international public institutions.

The Third Order Regular of St. Francis (TOR) is a Christian fraternity founded on the Gospel, historically and spiritually rooted in the ancient Order of Penance, in the medieval Penitential Movements and in St. Francis of Assisi’s experience. It is an early Mendicant Order belonging to the “Franciscan Family,” nowadays listed in the Catholic Church among the Clerical Institutes of Pontifical Right. It currently counts about 700 friars, living in communities present in more than 13 different countries. The Umbro Picena Province, entitled to St. Francis, gathers in central and northern Italy some of the Order’s oldest fraternities, treasures its history and, responding to the contemporary world’s challenges, cultivates its values and traditions: spirit of prayer, fraternal life, observance of the evangelical vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, proclamation of the Gospel, pastoral care, missionary evangelization, teaching, service to poor, frail and sick people, dialogue for peace and reconciliation.

LINKS Foundation is a research institute which operates at national and international level in applied research, innovation and technology transfer, as a bridge between basic research and market. Thanks to the cooperation of more than 160 researchers, LINKS oversees technical-scientific disciplines in digital technology such as XR, AI, connected systems and IoT, cybersecurity, advanced calculation systems and satellite systems. It implements innovative projects in many application fields: industry 4.0, Intelligent Mobility, Agritech, Space Economy, Smart infrastructures, Cultural Heritage.

Stam is a high-tech engineering company that provides support to clients facing new business and technology challenges, leveraging on a multidisciplinary expertise, hands-on experience and in-house laboratories, across four main industrial domains, namely Security and Transport, Space and Defence, Industry, Energy and Sustainability. Stam collaborates with +1000 major industries, start-ups and research organizations.

The Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS) was founded in 1998. It is an independent research centre and the leading French think tank on defense and security issues. Its team of experts in a variety of fields contributes to the strategic debate in France and abroad, and provides unique expertise across the board of defense and security studies. The FRS maintains an active presence in the strategic debate through its publications, its website, and the events it regularly organizes. It takes part in a network of European and international research.

EIA is a non-profit Association based in Milan that was founded in 2019 by a group of Muslim intellectuals in Italy. EIA operates as an independent research institution, aimed at promoting and studying the cultural and social dynamics of Muslims in Europe, focusing particularly on Italy. The organization is dedicated to conducting studies and research to provide insight for public institutions at a national and European level, as a way of supporting a much more harmonious and precise policy direction.
EIA’s mission is to create a platform for Muslims to express Islam as a religion of peace, dialogue and values, distancing from those who distort the authentic message with violent extremism.
EIA, among others, serves as an important observatory for Islamic religious entities actively working against all forms of racism and Islamophobia, and advocating for religious freedom and civil rights.

The Fortified Churches Foundation was established to preserve the Transylvanian-Saxon fortified churches and the cultural heritage of the Evangelical Church A.C. in Romania. As a specialized institution for the preservation of fortified churches in Transylvania, we work closely with the Evangelical Church A.C. in Romania, our partners, and the cultural heritage communities in Transylvania and other countries to protect and enhance the rich cultural landscape of these historic monuments.

University of Lodz is the biggest University in central Poland, devoted to research and higher education development aimed at community transformation. It is a public research university founded in 1945 in Lodz, Poland, as a continuation of three higher education institutions functioning in Lodz.
University of Lodz has a high level of expertise in European-funded projects in the field of threat detection and prevention with regards to places of worship. They are the leader of project ProSPeReS – Protection System for large gatherings of People in Religious Sites, providing experience and knowledge on vulnerability and threat assessments for places of worship, training and have a vast network of religious communities.

The Consistoire de Nice (Consistory of Nice), is a religious organization that brings together the Jewish communities of France and represents the Jewish community in the project. CDN is formally entrusted by the Metropolitan City of Nice to conduct trainings and provide guidance on security and safety measures for communities of all faiths in the metropolitan region of Nice. Their task will be the engagement of Jewish communities, sharing experience and practices and having direct engagement and coordination of security measures applied in religious communities in this area. They are in direct contact with public institutions and LEAs. CDN will coordinate WP2 on the interfaith network with Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore.

The Diaconia Centre is a non-profit founded by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia in 1994. It supports diaconal work within local Christian congregations, provides training for social workers and volunteers, and operates community centers offering social services and charitable assistance to children and adults. The Diaconia Centre is an active member of several international organisations, including Eurodiaconia, a European network of 58 churches and Christian NGOs, providing social and health care services and advocating social justice.