Work Packages

WP1 – Project Management and Coordination

As backbone of the project, the WP1 oversees the overall progress and the quality of SHRINEs, setting up monitoring tools and communication channels aimed at transparency among partners. WP1 will ensure the maximum efficiency in Tasks implementation and achievement of key results, as well as outline the main communication and dissemination actions.


  • Under WP1, three Management Board Meetings have been held, respectively in Soave, Nice, Turin. Furthermore, both financial and quality check tools have been created and are constantly updated. A mid-term report on all SHRINEs activity has been drafted in February 2024.
  • Finally, relevant communication materials and a project website have been developed in the first months of the project and have been disseminated throughout both internal and external project events.

Project Coordinator


Technical Leader 

Religious Leader


WP2 – Interfaith network to spark dialogue on the protection of places of worship

The WP2 aims to create an Interfaith Network for sharing knowledge, tools, and good practices on protective measures against vulnerabilities and threats to places of worship through the implementation of thematic workshops and enhancing the dialogue among relevant religious representatives concerning safety and security emerging risks. The valuable synergies among technical and religious partners will support this WP.


  • The “European network for safety and security management in places of worship” has been created, involving more than 60 members to the network from 17 different countries.
  • Two Workshops on assessment of threats and vulnerabilities to places of worship have been organised and held with more than 100 participants overall among LEAs, religious authorities, representatives of other EU-funded projects and relevant
    stakeholders managing with places of worship.
  • A Report on vulnerability and threat assessment of places of worship has been delivered in February 2024.

WP3 – Legal and Ethical analysis on use of technologies for protection of places of worship

The WP3 will establish an Ethical, Legal, and Moral Working Group which will provide assessments and guidance documents on the impact of a range of innovative technological solutions, taking into account their potential application in places of worship. It will also offer a tailored “helpdesk” to foster a sound a regular collaboration with relevant Twin EU-funded projects and existing networks interested in WP3 ambition.


  • An Ethical, Legal, and Moral Working Group has been established with relevant experts from different universities and two main religious groups.
  • A set of interviews, questionnaires and surveys has been created and distributed to the Working Group. Several meetings among the experts have been organised and implemented.

Technical Leader 

Religious Leader


Technical Leader 

Religious Leader


WP4 – Engagement of private sector in the International Interfaith network

The WP4 aims to increase the awareness on the use of technological solutions from operators of places of worship. This will be possible engaging technological developers and producers in finding innovative technological approaches and applications to enhance the protection of places of worship.


  • A Tech Workshop was held in Turin in January 2024 and was attended by more than 50 participants, among religious groups, SHRINEs Community members, tech developers and institutional representatives.
  • A technology categorization matrix has been drafted to assess the most suitable technologies according to the threat and vulnerability assessments.
  • Two Technological Awareness webinars on different technological solutions aimed at enhancing the security and safety of places of worship, were held online.

WP5 – Awareness campaign and showcasing of technological solutions for places of worship

The WP5 represents the peak of project ambition when the “Tech for SHRINEs” Hackathon and its awareness campaign will be organised to present and showcase innovative technological solutions, which will be selected to demonstrate their suitable application in case of relevant case studies. Representatives of different religious communities, Law Enforcement Agencies, academia, and sector-specific industry will attend the event to engage in discussions and support a dedicated Committee that will be appointed to select the most suitable solutions, which could be exploited by the related religious Community beyond the project lifecycle.


  • Four case studies to showcase technology solutions have been identified and adapted to 4 real sites in Assisi.
  • Initial visits to Assisi were implemented in order to organise and plan the “Tech for SHRINEs” Hackathon in collaboration with the Municipality of Assisi.
  • A Call for Innovators for participating to the Hackathon and presenting innovative technological solutions has been published. The corresponding Hackathon “Tech for SHRINEs” awareness campaign has been initiated.

Technical Leader 


Technical Leader 

Religious Leader


WP6 – Exploitation and sustainability of the Interfaith network and project results

The WP6 aims at consolidating results and recommendations on vulnerabilities and possible technological solutions derived from the previous WPs. As a result, a set of operational guidelines will be produced, targeting religious leaders, places of worship, as well as EU
institutions, academia, industrial and law enforcement sectors to provide decision makers with an overview concerning main threats and vulnerabilities as well as best practices and lessons learnt to enhance the protection of places of worship. Finally, WP6 will also ensure the effective visibility and dissemination of SHRINEs activities, enhancing the sustainability of the SHRINEs Network and the project results.


  • The main visibility and communication materials of the SHRINEs project have been set up and disseminated.
  • SHRINEs Consortium members participated to more than 10 external events to promote the SHRINEs project and its objectives.
  • A “SHRINEs Community” has been established to promote the SHRINEs activities and enhance the synergies among the ISF projects and other initiatives.